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The Key To Success Is Focus


“The right people always find each other at the right time.” Mike Dooley

There are many things that appeal to me about Internet Marketing, and more specifically about Affiliate Marketing.

However, one of the things I dislike most is that so many offers are terribly complicated and terribly confusing.

What I like (and what I think other people would like) is a simple, step-by-step blueprint to accomplish one task.

An offer that most of us could simply focus on completing each step and, at the end of the process, would result in a product that others would find to be valuable.

An offer that would also result in a small amount of income for our efforts.

Then rinse and repeat while we continue to focus until we have generated an overall income that seems reasonable for our efforts.

Maybe $500 each month.

Maybe $1,000 each month.

Maybe $3,000 each month.

Probably not $100,000 each month.

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson

If you have not yet achieved success online, it’s probably because you lack focus.

Most internet marketers (“IMers”) get distracted by the noise created by the zillions of options in the “Make Money Online” niche.

You need to develop a laser-like focus in order to become successful online.

For purposes of this discussion, let’s assume that success = money.

Without proper focus, you will be distracted by “bright shiny objects” … products that scream, “Buy me! I am the solution you’ve been looking for!”.

Ever had that happen to you?

Yeah, me too.

For years.

Before I learned to focus, I purchased too many products and chased too many ideas.

Honestly, think about it. If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it and no one would be making money.

Please do not make the mistakes I made.

Learn to focus on one thing until you become successful at that one thing.

“No one can go back and make a brand new start. But, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” Carl Bard

You’ve got to stick to one business model long enough to see success with it.

Otherwise, you will perpetually be in the learning phase.

It’s always hardest at the beginning.

When you are studying a new business model, understanding the concepts and getting the hang of the process will be an uphill battle.

Once you get past this stage, it’s just a matter of iterating and streamlining the process until you see results.

However, if you continue to quit every time you’re past the learning stage only to start a new business model, you’ll end up back at square one and will have to learn new things all over again.

You’ll always be at the hardest stage of the process.

Consequently, you will lose money time and time again.

All because you lack focus.

Want some ideas to help you increase your focus?

“Find something and hammer it. What I mean by this is if you want to be able to build an email list and sell your own products then you need value that others want. The way to get value that others want is to go out there and take the time to learn something that others are willing to pay you for. Most people are lazy. Make sure you are not one of the lazy people. Take the time to learn your trade. It's that simple.” Paul Nicholls

One key to succeeding online is to choose a proven business model and stick with it until you’re making a profit. A few solid, proven business models are:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Digital products
  • Dropshipping
  • Ecommerce
  • Freelancing
  • Kindle publishing
  • Niche sites
  • Online courses
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Subscription-based services

So, why do we call these business models “proven”?


Other marketers are making money with them.

Choose one proven business model and stick with it.

Most importantly, choose only ONE business model and keep going until you succeed.

“Who are you? Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde

It’s easy to find yourself in a situation where your email inbox is flooded daily by promotional emails.

You probably click on a few emails, attend webinars that promise secrets no one else knows, and end up listening to some marketer’s fake rags-to-riches story.

And you end up buying a course that’s not even related to what you’re doing.

Sound familiar?

This happens every single day.

The best way to escape this trap?

Unsubscribe from all the marketers promoting items not relevant to your business model.

For example, if you are into affiliate marketing, there is very little value for you to read emails from a 7-figure author who uncovered secret loopholes in Kindle publishing.

Yup, we’ve all wasted time this way.

Let that marketer keep his secrets while you unsubscribe.

The key to success is to focus. Get rid of distractions. You do NOT need more training, courses, etc. You just need to work on your chosen model.

“Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Mark Twain

All of us have spent too much time on YouTube with tutorials, reviews, motivational stuff, and totally unrelated videos.

You only need YouTube if you’re stuck in some area in your business. Check YT for answers then get off. YT is a time-suck.

Just recognize that with few exceptions, spending time on YouTube distracts from moving your business forward toward success.

“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” Yogi Berra

Facebook can also be a major distraction.

You need to focus.

You do not need Facebook.

Intuitively, you understand that success comes from working in silence and solitude.

Get away from the noise and chatter created by other conversations.

Focus on your craft.

While focusing on building a business, social media is not your friend.

“The only time you will find success before work is in the dictionary.” Andy Waring

It is generally agreed that the vast majority of people who attempt to make money with Internet Marketing are not successful.

Why do most people not achieve success as Internet Marketers?


Most people are too unfocused to take massive action.

For example, when you purchase a product with video instructions, you do NOT need to watch it in its entirety to take action. What you need to do is watch a little bit, then go implement what you were just taught.

Focus, take action, and implement the ideas.

Learn then act.

Just do it.

And maybe take notes.

Taking notes forces you to focus on the training and also helps jog your memory as you take action.

For example, if you just completed a module on discovering profitable niches, you now need to use that info to find some niches.

Do not move on to the next module until you have taken action on the current module.

Use this focused action approach to quickly build your business.

“If you want people to believe that you can help them ... help them.” Jim Rohn

Set a weekly goal for your business.

This will help you to focus and you’ll know if you’re on track.

If your goal is to write 3 blog posts this week, do it.

If your goal is to publish 2 videos on your YT channel this week, do it.

Meeting your weekly goal will keep you focused and moving forward to produce actual results.

“The trouble is you think you have time.” Buddha

Whether you are still working for a living or are retired, it requires focus to dedicate time to building your business.

It’s important to be not only focused but also to be consistent.

Commit to spending 2 hours, 1 hour, or even 30 minutes every day.

Then focus to make the most of that time.

Compounded over weeks and months, the focused time you spend building your business will yield fantastic results.

“Everyone must choose one of two pains: The pain of DISCIPLINE or the pain of REGRET.” Tim Stoddart

The basic rule of focus is to work when you work.

One desk, one chair, one computer, and maybe a glass of water.

No radio, no TV, no phone, no social media.

Keep it simple and free of distractions.

“There is only one basic human right: the right to do as you please without causing others harm. With it comes our only basic human duty: the duty to accept the consequences of our actions.” P. J. O'Rourke

Do not multi-task.

This is the surest way to get mediocre results. Focus on your most important work right at the beginning. This may be writing, analyzing your ads, doing research, etc.

Less important tasks such as clearing emails, gratitude journaling, etc. can wait.

You are running a business.

You need to focus on the income-generating activities first.

“If you ain’t been thrown, you ain’t been ridin’.” Mike Turpen

Pomodoro timers, automation, and software like Trello and Evernote are all useful for increasing your productivity and focus. The less mental energy expended on trivial decisions, the more energy you’ll have for work.

Use tools wisely, but don’t waste too much time on them.

Planning is good.

Action is the foundational key to your success.

“Happiness is wanting what you have.” Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Your desktop needs to be clean and organized in order to avoid distraction.

I find it to be very distracting if my computer desktop is cluttered with folders and shortcuts.

So, I generally create a folder on my desktop and move almost everything into that temporary folder while I am working.

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain

Become laser-focused while you are working.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I doing what’s important?
  • Will these actions move the needle in my business?
  • Is what I’m doing relevant to the business?
  • Do I need to improve on any areas?
  • Do I need to learn anything new to grow my business?

Similarly, when faced with a promotional email that sneaks by your filters, instead of being tempted easily to buy it, mindfulness will have you asking yourself, “Do I really need this product for my business or am I being distracted?”

Being mindful is akin to having a vigilant gatekeeper, protecting and directing the flow of your focus.

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau

Remaining focused will save time, money, and disappointment.

Your business will grow gradually and gain momentum.

And, by remaining focused, you will become both a more knowledgeable marketer and extremely proficient at your craft.

Once your business skyrockets and you have a good understanding of how it all works, then you may choose to focus on a new business model while maintaining the old one.

That’s how you build a winning business online.

“It's not about Faster, it's about Focus.” Garry Baker

Mike Howell

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